Monday, May 14, 2012

Grilled Poblano Creamed Corn


- Corn on the cobb
- Sour Cream
- Pabalano Peppers
- Salt
- Pepper

Boil corn until Al Dente'. Light Grill. 

Grill the corn until they have a nice caramelization and char.

Grill the Pablano peppers until they are soft and have a nice char on the outside.

Remove both corn and peppers from grill. Make sure they have cooled down enough to handle and gently start to peel the thin layer of skin off of the Pablanos.

Cut off the stems. Cut in half and scrape out all of the seeds.

Throw away the stem, skins, and seeds. Roughly dice the remaining peppers.

Cut all of the grilled corn away from the cobb.

Add both corn and Pabalno to a medium size Crock Pot or a regular pot, whatever. Add 1 extra can of canned corn.

Add 3 or so heaping Tablespoons of sour cream. Then salt and Pepper to taste.

Mix well and keep on Med-Low until cream has melted and it's nice and hot. Enjoy! with a cocktail of course!


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